Tuesday, August 31, 2010

"We On A World Tour.............."

"man it's deep how niggas never wanna leave there neighborhood or city. Scared to live, and willing to die."


Often held back by the fear of flight. We must elevate ourselves. Photography is epic......take those eyes and capture Gods work.




I'm working on my 3rd  passport . Blessed to be of various nationalities 

Reasons & Seasons

They say, "People come into your life for a reason, for a season, or for a lifetime."

The lifetime people seem to be my family so far..............I am 24 years old lol. Now people may say that's a reflection of me, but I just think I've been moving through the "Reason & Season" people.

"Those who have no respectable limits and do not respect the boundaries of
others are capable of anything.  Instant removal as 

I draw....no as I darken my lines. As u move up in this journey u
shed those "Reasons & Seasons" like dead skin. I try and wash my
soul everyday, eager to rid myself of those who aren't "Lifetime"
worthy. My "Toe-Tugger" repellent stays on lol Peace&Clarity Sincerely!
" - Yours Truly

Trying to find the Lifetime indicator so they don't pass me by. I know they are of a rare breed..... sometimes I think that's why these "Reasons & Seasons" try and hold on to me. =/

Not accepting or knowing their purpose. I maintain these prayers for clarity to SEE that which they don't....... Their meaning.

I think I've had my share of "Reasons & Seasons" for now. Hoping to meet a Lifetime soon ;-)

Monday, August 23, 2010

Wow I'm Blogging

Hey there everyone...................I can't believe I'm blogging lol

I'm going to use this as a vessel to just simply post things, thoughts, happenings as I take this walk through life. Hopefully, this can be used as a helpful tool or as entertainment or even just a source of info you may benefit from. I have to really learn how to get the settings to be the way I want it so bare with me lol.

Well welcome to my blog =). Come walk with me. Hope this serves as a Timeless experience on My Yellow Brick Road ;-)
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