I know that sometimes these are necessary in order for people to grasp understanding (psych 101) but most times I hate it.
I am a walking, breathing, living paradox. Consistent contradictions all over me :-D
The limitations people trap themselves in when they allow people to force them into a box that their mind can conceptualize. Some people have to continuously fight to live outside of the frames. I say as long as the mirrors reflect a smile of acceptance, continue to color life outside the lines. It takes courage to walk on those bricks of freedom, and some people may be shed. The understanding and acceptance that all who may come into my life may not have a lifetime purpose in my life..... I take it one brick at a time. (it's sometimes hard to grasp.........sometimes effortlessly understandable).
I strive to unhook the chains of the mind.
This entrapment can appear in many forms. It can be self-inflicted due to fear. Friends and family can try and stunt or shun your growth by expecting you to be the "same ole person you use to be". Yes there may be an essence that is rooted but all roots blossom in some form (there can be an essence that develops and matures). And it's not a crime.
Moving forward I'm trying not to use the word "type" in describing myself. I just am. I don't even use the word when asked to describe what I am attracted to. I often say "I don't really have a type". I just don't want to believe that people can be so surfacedly categorized without any dynamics.
I'm thankful for my mommy for showing me that there wasn't anything I couldn't do because of what I did do. Or there that there was nothing that I couldn't be because of what I already was. (I don't know if that makes any sense to you but it surly sings home to my logic lol.) Example: I was a ballerina that was also a black belt. Both instructors tried to force me to choose between the two as if I didn't possess the talent to successfully master both. ..............................
Smdh at the ceilings that adults tried to place upon me even as a child whose main purpose at the time was to just be a sponge soaking up any and every ounce of positivity possible in order to grow wide. (by the way I excelled at both hmph)
I think this is why I love classic black and white. Even though it's written either/or, we all know that those two colors alone have different shades, hues, depths, and grays. Even the two colors that seem so simply distinct, are profoundly complex.
All of boxes, bubbles & frames built by society, family, religion, and ourselves force some of us to create our own world. This is where the mind usually gets some exercise (imagination is boundless).
p.s. I am exxxxxtra claustrophobic
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